Monday, October 18, 2010

Injury, Good Form, and Finding Good from Bad

After four months of Crossfit and all the good that has come into my life because of it, I finally experienced my first injury.  While I am not celebrating this momentous milestone in my Crossfit life, I am discouraged and trying to keep as much focus in treating it as I do in a daily WOD.  Saturday's WOD was the "Deck of Death" which included box jumps, kettle bell swings, push press, and burpess.  Half way through the deck of cards I reached for the kettle bell and felt my entire lower back lock up.  I tried substituting pushup's but upon moving to the next box jumps, there was no way.  I knew to respect Crossfit enough to not push further, thus my first official DNF.  Awful feeling while others were pushing ahead.  Saturday was my 5th WOD in 6 days (probably a mistake).  I was more sore from the day before, but I'd been there before.  I'm pretty sure the picture displayed below did not represent my form at the time of my injury (it's so easy to lose that good, flat back when tiring), but you can bet that I'll be even more focused on my form the next time out.  

It's easy to take form for granted (in my opinion).  While I have never neglected form, it is now more important to me than ever.  Neglecting good form (to me) is like falling off the dietary wagon.  Do it over the course of time and catching up becomes harder than ever.  Today will be about focusing on the start of another sound dietary week, heat, and ice.  

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